9 Time-Management Ideas for Small Business
by Karen Payne
"There's too much to get done in a day. I don't have time! I wish there were more than 24 hours in a day!" How many times have we all said something similar to that? Sometimes it seems as if there is too much in life that needs to get done and not enough time to do it. But fortunately, there is enough time. Below you will find some time-management tips to help you better manage your time. You will have enough time to accomplish any goals you wish and time left over to relax.
1. Organize your day.
The best way to organize any day is by writing down what you want to accomplish and how you are going to accomplish it. In addition, write down all supplies you may need to accomplish these tasks. Be realistic with your goals. Keep a running log of how long it takes you to do certain things over a span of a few days. This will later help you realistically set up your daily goals and the amount of time needed to finish them.
2. Prioritize by Importance.
We have all probably heard the old famous saying, "The early bird catches the worm." But we have all tried going after things that were less important than other things that needed to get done. Analyze your project list and make sure the projects that are the most important are at the top of your list. This will help you make sure you use your time to get the important projects done first.
3. Set deadlines for your goals.
Setting deadlines is a perfect way to manage time wisely. Mark a certain time or date on your calendar and stick with it! Invite others you trust to check on your progress. This will help to maintain some form of accountability for you.
4. Block off time for social media and email.
Social media and email can be big time wasters if we allow them to do so. Setting up a schedule for doing social media and email can greatly reduce time wasted in your day. Prioritize which email and social media posts are important for you to answer or post. If you can, ask others to help you. Depending on how much email or social media posting you normally do, hiring someone to handle these responsibilities may be advisable.
5. Avoid distractions.
Social media, television, phones, food, coffee…the list goes on! You know what can be a distraction for you. Whether you work in an office or at home, eliminate all distractions or potential distractions from your environment so you can stay focused on your work. This will help you work more effectively and save time.
6. Organize your work area.
Your work area can include many things. It depends on your business. But most people use computers at times for their business needs. Create template files for forms or other information that is frequently used. Create special folders to put on your computer home page to stash important files or information. It will save you time in looking for them throughout your work day. Organize your pens, pencils and other important items you may need in a certain part of your desk. It will give you quick access and save you time to get to work quickly.
7. Give tasks to others.
Delegating tasks can be an important time saver. Build a team with people you can trust. Try them out on small things. Then gradually increase the level of responsibility of tasks. This will give you time to use for all the important things on your list.
8. Just say "No".
Not everything that is good is good for you or your time. View current projects you are working on or things going on in your personal life or career. Recognize what you find to be important. Pass up opportunities that may load you down or add stress to your life. Some things are unavoidable. But if you can say no, then do it without feeling guilty.
9. Keep mindful of the clock.
Always remember to keep one eye on the clock. This will help you follow the reality of getting your work done on time. Sometimes you may genuinely need to change the timeframe that you allotted for something. Sometimes delays or genuine unforeseen difficulties may arise. But most projects can be completed on time. Keeping your mind on the passage of time in the day can help you stay focused and get the job done.
Time is a precious gift. You are in charge of your day. Hopefully, applying the time-management ideas will give you extra time to accomplish your goals and maybe a few extra minutes to relax within a day.